I went to Panaca for a field trip all day of school. It's called "Fun Day". Panaca is a place where there is a lot of animals. At Panaca I got to feed a baby animal. It was a baby goat. There were sheep also right next to the goats. What was funny was they sounded like men were pretending to do their voice. At first I thought it was my dad doing it, but it was actually the sheep! In one of the pens with the sheep there was a big, big sheep and it had horns! It kept running into the wall. I also saw a bunch of dogs. There were all sorts of dogs. There were German Shepherds, Beagles - two different kinds of beagles - Boxers, Rotweilers and a lot of different dogs. Some people played with the dogs and some people got ice cream. And after we went to the dogs we went to see the horses. There were big horses and small horses. And then we had to go :(