An inside look at the life of Missionary Kids Alex and Maggie Kautz

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I had an end of the year party for the boys in my class. We did laser tag. I invited three friends and my teacher. Before we started we made sure that everyone was ready. After that, the guy in charge told us the rules. I understood most of it, but not all of it. Some of the rules were like this: you can't run or your gun will be shut off for 30 seconds; you can only shoot a base once and then keep going. Inside you had to find your way through a glow in the dark maze and find the bases. I got lost in it once. The green team won both games - that was me, my dad and my friend Andrew. My teacher was sitting in a little hiding place and kept shooting our base. Every time I came around the corner I'd scream because I'd be surprised - then she would scream! Then we'd try to shoot each other! Usually I won. My friend, Juan Pablo, got shut off five times because he kept running! We had two games, but after the first game we had lunch. Then after the second game we had cake. Oh wait, other way around!!


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