An inside look at the life of Missionary Kids Alex and Maggie Kautz

Sunday, March 18, 2007

A collection of new videos. (The first time through the video may be choppy as it downloads, but will play smoothly the second time or you can press play, but then pause immediately and allow the download to finish before unpausing to watch it without choppiness.)

Maggie singing a song from school.

"Dia Del Idioma" - the students and parents singing the first two (of eleven) verses of the Colombian National Anthem.

"Dia Del Idioma" - Alex and Maggie's Spanish class singing a song.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Standing up on the saddle...

“Around The World”…

My first riding lesson was fantastic! It felt awesome to do "around the world" when the horse was moving and to lay down on the saddle, when the horse was walking, without my feet on the horse . When I was riding the horse and the guide told me to turn the horse it wouldn't listen. The guide used a big whip and made the horse trot by saying "trote" and he taught me to trot with one hand on the reigns and part of it on the harness. And then he taught me how to ride with both hands on the reigns. It was such a great ride, except for when I was trying to lay down on the horse the first time (on my stomach with my legs off the side of the saddle) when it was moving because I slipped off the horse, but I landed on my feet and I was fine! It felt funny! ~Maggie

Alex joined the after-school soccer team just a few weeks ago and this Friday they had their first game. Unfortunately the other team practices together three times a week and Alex's team just once, but they gave it their best shot...and lost 5 to 1. Alex had issues with his shoes. He had broken a loop on his new shoes last week and had to wear his old ones, that kept flying off when he had a big kick. He said he was pretty embarrassed...especially when one hit another kid in the head! Fortunately, we got his new shoes fixed!